Hosted VOIP Services numbers

Telephone Numbers

We understand your telephone number is critical to your business, that’s why we have made transferring them or getting new numbers simple.

Existing Numbers

Getting up and running on your existing numbers is a simple process of porting your number across to our platform. We help you with this process to ensure it’s quick and easy with no downtime.

If you have a premium number you already pay additionally for, we can help you redirect it through to our platform.

New Numbers

New company or looking to start with a new telephone number or premium telephone number? No problem, we can provide you with a selection of telephone numbers to choose from. You can choose regional numbers or generic 03, it’s up to you.

Single Line Transfer: £5 per number

Multi Line Transfer: £60 per number

DDI Range Transfer: £60 per range

£1 per new geographical number

£6 per 03 non-geographical number

(incurs monthly call redirection fees)