Cloud Backup
We backup everything, including your servers, desktops, and laptops, and store it securely in our robust data centre. After completing an initial backup, subsequent backups take just seconds by recording only the changes made since the last backup routine.
These backups automatically provide you with a complete image of your systems within minutes. Because of the speed of our systems, backups can run in near real-time when needed.
Additionally, we proactively check, monitor, and verify all managed backups, ensuring your data remains safe and protected at all times.
Data loss happens
Hard drive crashes, spilled drinks, and accidental file deletion can occur at any time and put your company’s future in jeopardy. In fact, 93% of all companies that suffer significant data loss close down within 5 years! How your company responds to a data loss crisis will have impacts on both your financial bottom line and professional image. Our backup service is easy, fast, and secure. In the event that your company needs to recover data.
Your business data is growing
Digital data is rapidly growing at a rate of 80% each year, and businesses like yours are responsible for maintaining 85% of that information.